⚡ New Discover Filters

Hey guys! We're happy to announce a mini update to our Discover section that's designed to fine tune your brand connection experience. We've introduced an array of new filters to help you zero in on the brands that resonate most with your demographic and business needs.

What's New?

  • More Niches to Choose From: Dive deeper into a vast selection of niches! Whether you're looking for something specific or exploring new territories, our expanded niches ensure you find the perfect fit for your unique voice and vision.

  • Campaign Months: Timing is everything, and now you can filter campaigns based on their active months. This feature is perfect for aligning your outreach with seasonal trends, holidays, or specific campaign timelines to maximise your impact. Some brands may not have this information as of yet.

  • Campaign Platforms: With the addition of campaign platform filters, you can now sift through what platforms the brands have used in their past campaigns. Whether you thrive Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or any other platform, this information can help you see which platform a brand caters for the most. Some brands may not have this information as of yet.

  • Region-Specific Filters: Expand or narrow your reach with our new contact region filters. Targeting a specific geographic area? Our platform now allows you to tailor your search to the regions that matter most to you and your audience.